Optimizing the office footprint of a growing company
  • BST
  • 25,871 sq. ft.
  • Latham, NY
Cresa Office

Client Objectives

BST had outgrown its existing location over decades, taking more space without major renovations or considerations for their overall footprint. These inefficiencies didn’t support the company’s forward-moving culture. They were looking for a new location in a relatively tight geography that contained natural light and contiguous space in a quality building. Financially, they were seeking premium office space dedicated to supporting staff without a major increase in their occupancy expenses. As an integrated team, Cresa’s Workplace experts identified key drivers to optimize a new layout and the Transaction team performed extensive market research to identify an existing office building in a high-quality office park. Then, Cresa’s Project Managers oversaw the build-out of the space and delivered a new office on time and within BST’s anticipated budget.


BST reduced their overall leased space by 14% with an increase in the number of employees that can work comfortably within the space by 21%. Their net neutral occupancy expense was achieved through space efficiencies and competitive lease negotiations. As a result, employees look forward to returning to the office, are spending more time in collaborative areas and new recruits are impressed with the atmosphere.
You’ve done a nice job of putting us at ease and showing us that we’re going to do this better by having you guys (Cresa) with us than us trying to do it by ourselves. In the past we would have gone about the process (space design, finding and negotiating for space, and managing the construction project) on our own. And we would have failed.
Ron Guzlor  |  Managing Partner