Ellis Medicine

Cresa helps medical group find the perfect space.
  • Ellis Medicine
  • 37,200 sq. ft.
Industrie Download
  • 1023 State Street, Schenectady, NY
Services Fournis

Client Objectives

Ellis Medicine is a 438-bed community and teaching healthcare system serving New York’s Capital Region. Amongst many other healthcare services, Ellis offers Behavioral Health Services. Its Behavioral Health Facility, comprised of 19,000 square feet served 1,400 patients and had a waiting list of roughly 300 people. Due to space limitations and deferred maintenance issues, Ellis could not effectively service the population’s needs. Ellis engaged Cresa to assist in identifying a proper location that would meet its new Facility needs and to negotiate a lease that would support Ellis physical and financial goals.


Cresa identified a 37,200 square foot space located in a larger stand-alone building. The building and space would require major upgrades, but Cresa and Ellis had vision and determined that its infrastructure would support Ellis’ needs. At first the Landlord wanted to deliver the space to Ellis in ‘as-is’ condition. Ellis was apprehensive to make such a large capital investment into the building without any participation from the Landlord. Cresa was able to negotiate a fifteen year lease for Ellis in which the Landlord agreed to finance all interior and exterior improvements, providing Ellis with a ‘turnkey’ behavioral health facility. Today Ellis is operates its State Street Mental Health Center for roughly 2,000 patients annually. The Mental Health Center also includes The Living Room, a crisis diversion service department that serves as an alternative to the Emergency Department. The Living Room is a first-of-its-kind facility in New York State.