Q4 2021: DFW Office Market Report

The Dallas / Fort Worth quarterly Office Market Report details Class A & B stats across each submarket in the metroplex as well as DFW as a whole.

By end of 2021, the DFW unemployment rate decreased to 4.7%, and corporate relocations and expansions continued to drive office demand. Economic recovery is gaining further moment from DFW’s population increased by about 105,000 people over 2020. By year end 2021, the population reached a high of over 7.9 million residents. Despite market activity being less than pre-pandemic levels, asking rates are not lowering. Landlords are offering competitive concession packages which include free rent and additional tenant improvement dollars. 

As always, Cresa is dedicated to helping you navigate your commercial real estate needs to best support your business strategy.

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4Q21 Office Charts


Office Charts