Biotech Startup Expansion

  • Koniku
  • 15,025 sq. ft.
Cresa Office

Client Objectives

  • Koniku is a biotech startup, located at the time in a small under equipped lab space where they were beginning to outgrow their work space
  • Originally Koniku unsuccessfully went about looking for spaces on their own, but with Cresa’s help, they were able to understand the competitive market for lab spaces they were interested in
  • They needed to expand from a 3,000-4,000 sqft lab space to 15,000 sqft
  • The lab space they needed had to be customized for their business


  • The two greatest challenges with Koniku were the timeline and the build out
  • Cresa was able to find Koniku a lab space that was able to be built out to their lab specifications
  • Cresa was also able to find a short term space for Koniku while their permanent space was being completed that was located in the same building