The Amazing Space Podcast - Episode #5
Episode #5: In-Place Renovations
To relocate or stay-in-place and renovate; a common dilemma. The Amazing Space hosts are joined by Pam Poisson of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) who gives a unique look into what it’s been like for her association to renovate their existing space.
When AWEA decided to restructure their organization internally, they opted to construct a new office layout to coincide with the transition. Despite attractive options to relocate, AWEA decided to upgrade their existing space, moving from a traditional, perimeter office layout into an open-space footprint. Pam discusses the following elements of the organization’s in-place renovation:
- Proactively communicating progress updates with employees to help them feel in control
- The importance of weighing the familiarity of amenities and access to transportation against fiscally-attractive options to relocate to an entirely different neighborhood
- Maintaining the balance between providing collaborative spaces and respecting an individual’s need for privacy, during the transition to an open-office environment
- Making employees the priority and creating a positive, inclusive and open dialogue around the renovation
Guests: Pam Poisson, Chief Financial Officer, American Wind Energy Association
Created and hosted by Cresa Nonprofit practice group leaders Mindy Saffer and Lucia Hedke, The Amazing Space covers trends, challenges and the real estate journey with some of the nation’s most prominent Association leaders.
The Amazing Space is taped in Washington, D.C.