Not-for-Profit School Looking to Expand in Current Market

  • Soaring Eagle Academy
  • 30,000 sq. ft.
Services Fournis
Cresa Office

Client Objectives

Soaring Eagle Academy, a not-for-profit special education school, selected Cresa to secure its initial facility in 2010. As the school grew, it became clear that the facility could no longer meet the school’s needs. The founders sought to identify a facility conducive to enhancing the education experience, with improved safety and security for the staff and students.

Selecting a new facility presented a few challenges, including districting and zoning requirements, as well as funding limitations. The cost of the new facility could not exceed state funding levels combined with annual donations.


Cresa located a facility that fit perfectly within the school’s relocation criteria at 800 Parkview in Lombard, Illinois. A rent structure was negotiated, with the school receiving a work allowance for the buildout of the space. The landlord made improvements to HVAC systems and built a road connecting two parking areas, creating a safe passage for students. A special use permit was created, allowing the school to operate at its new location.