Q3 2022: DFW Industrial Market Report

Our report provides a snapshot of the market, top lease transactions, submarket data, as well as with key trends and takeaways on the state of the industrial market in DFW.

Over the past 12 months, developers have added 33.7 million SF. However, vacancies have remained stable at 5.6% due to a combination of impressive demand for speculative projects and several significant build-to-suits delivered. From January to late October, tenants signed about 2,000 new leases, totaling 53.1 million SF. One hundred and eight leases were 100,000 SF or greater. These large deals account for 58% percent of the total leasing. The strong population growth has intensified the race among grocers for the $24 billion in annual grocery spending in the metro. For example, San Antonio-based H-E-B has entered the market with several new stores. In response, several existing grocers, Kroger, Walmart, Target, Trader Joe’s, and Albertson’s, are updating existing locations or looking to increase their footprints.

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